Stay Connected

Whilst we cannot worship together as we usually would for the time being, please know that there are many ways that you can still remain connected to us in the following ways:

¨ Contact Jo on 0424 763 734 to book your attendance at one of our Masses.

¨ Join our Facebook page to watch 9.30am Sunday Mass Live

¨  Keep in contact with Jo and Helen in the Parish Office on 4352 1011 or Jo 0424 763 734.

¨ Reconciliation by appointment.  To make an appointment call 4352 1011, Fr Raul 0450 115 099 or Fr Alex 0432 947 245

¨ Prayer intentions—send an email or call the Parish  Office with your prayer intentions. These will be prayed for by Fr Raul and Fr Alex in their private daily Masses.

¨ If you know of someone who does not have an email or access to the internet, please   advise the Parish Office, so we can arrange for the parish bulletin to be delivered to them.

¨ We have many resources that can be collected from outside the church for example: Weekly   Bulletin, the Holy Rosary booklet and Stations of the Cross booklet.

As a community we invite you to Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet each day with a special intention for those who are dying due to the COVID-19.

There are many ways that you can stay in contact with us: through email, by phone or checking our website.

Parish Email:

