Sacramental Programme



 The preparation and presentation of children for the sacraments of Confirmation, First Reconciliation and First Eucharist is the responsibility of their parents who are the primary educators of their children in their Catholic Faith. They are supported in this role by Sacramental Programmes run by the parish. The programmes are designed to create a guide for parents to teach children about prayer and reflection within an ongoing Catholic life of faith and practice.

In our parish, the timeline for the sacraments is as follows: 

Year 3 children will receive their Confirmation in Term 2 and then in 2026 they will continue with Reconciliation Term 1 and First Eucharist Term 3.

Year 3 - Confirmation in Term 2

Year 4 - First Reconciliation Term 1 and First Eucharist Term 3

Variations from this are to be expected when there exist special circumstances for example if the child is significantly older than the main group.

Attendance at all sessions, both parent and weekly classes, is essential if you wish to celebrate the sacrament for that year. So please write the session dates into your diary for reminder.



The second of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation compliments and builds on Baptism, through the gift of the Holy Spirit sent by the Father and his son, Jesus our saviour.

Children must be Baptised in order to participate in this sacrament.

Parent Information Evening (compulsory) : Thursday 15th May and Thursday 22nd May at 7.30pm in the Church hall. (Only one parent need attend).

Presentation Mass: Any mass over the weekend of 24th/25th May.

Preparation Classes: Over 4 weeks prior to the ceremony in your nominated groups. These are held in the Parish Hall

Compulsory Practice: Tuesday 24th June at 4.30pm in the church

Ceremony:   Thursday 26th June in the Church. Time TBC

Click HERE to enrol!



Also known as Confession is the sacrament where we encounter the forgiving healing of Christ. Reconciliation provides support and direction in our catholic Faith journey ensuring that we remain in a state of grace.

Reconciliation is usually celebrated for the first time prior to receiving First Eucharist.

In order to participate in the Reconciliation Programme your child must be Baptised and Confirmed. 

Parent Information Night : 20th February at 7.30pm

Presentation Mass: Any mass over the weekend 22nd/23rd February

Preparation Classes: Over 4 weeks prior to the ceremony in your nominated groups. These are held in the Parish Hall

Ceremony: 22nd March at 10am or 3.30pm in the Church



First Eucharist or Holy Communion is the sacrament which completes Christian Initiation with the receiving of the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ. Thereafter we should receive the Eucharist frequently for the support and growth of our Faith.

To be eligible to celebrate First Eucharist, a child must have celebrated baptism, Confirmation and Reconciliation.

Parent Information Evening (compulsory) : Thursday 14th August at 7.30pm in the Church hall. (Only one parent need attend).

Presentation Mass: Any mass over the weekend of 16th/17th August

Preparation Classes: Over 4 weeks prior to the ceremony (in Aug/Sept) in your nominated groups. These are held in the Parish Hall

Ceremony: 13th September at 6pm or 14th September at 10am in the Church

 Photographs will be taken at these Sacraments. These images may be displayed from time to time around the church and published in Parish publications, on its website and its social media sites. Images from this event may also be used for marketing and communications purposes. If you have any concerns or require additional information, please contact the parish office via email at: 


For any enquiries please contact Gerri Hadwen via email or the Parish office on 9144 6998