Presbytery Update

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Please Help Us Build For The Future

Our dedicated priests, who have served our Catholic community for many years, need a new home. It is our turn to show our appreciation and gratitude by contributing to this exciting $1 million building project. The project will provide adequate and comfortable accommodation for, not only our current Carmelite priests but future priests who will serve the community, as well as adequate long-term office space for the staff.
The Presbytery should be separated from the Parish office, so we will need to build a new, modern office while renovating the existing building to provide on-site accommodation for our Priests using the above funds. The aim is that if the Parish raises $500,000, then the generosity of the Diocese will contribute $250,000 to this project. The remainder will be financed via a Parish loan from the Catholic Development Fund (CDF). 
As of the end of April 2024, we reached 63% of our target. While we have a great plan for the office, which ought to meet the needs of the Parish for many years to come, we still need your financial support to complete this project and reach our $500,000 fundraising target. Hence, your donation, no matter how small or large, has significance for the Diocese, the Parish Priests and staff for now and well into the future. 
Please consider donating today and demonstrate the strength of our community through our shared generosity.
For making a financial donation/contribution, please follow these simple steps:
Please reference “New Presbytery Build” in your donation/payment message. This will ensure that the entire amount is used for the presbytery project and avoid confusion with other Parish income.
Account Names:              St Ives Catholic Parish
BSB:                                 062 784
Account No:                     100001798
Thank you very much in advance for your attention and support. Please note, any donations made are NOT tax-deductible as our Parish does not have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.