Safeguarding in our Parish means....
Safeguarding in our parish means to foster expectations of attitudes and behaviours in the community to protect children and vulnerable adults. Our commitment is underscored by our faith in Jesus Christ who teaches the fundamental sanctity of each human person and by our dedication to sustained education practice and conversation about our moral, legal and spiritual obligation to safeguard all those within our community.
Safeguarding is everyone’s Responsibilty!

If you have a concern for the safety and wellbeing of a child or young person or vulnerable adult, tell someone who can help.
These people in our Parish can help:
Name: Belinda Camilleri
Number: 9144 6998
Name: Michelle Miles
Number: 9144 6998
Or contact the Office for Safeguarding (Chancery) on 8379 1605 or email safeguarding@bbcatholic.org.au
For further Diocesan Safeguarding information visit www.bbcatholic.org.au/safeguarding