What's Happening in the Parish?!

Content Editor

001927_dacbNEW EVERY WEEK! If you want to know everything that's new, the current parish bulletin appears on the website every Friday afternoon (preceding the Sunday of its publication). Past copies are also available. Click on the image

(this is an outline only - please go the the appropriate part of the website for further details of each activity)


Wed. 10th 8:00am Meditation Group (online)

  7:30pm Scripture study (online)

Fri. 12th 10:00am Healing Mass followed by morning tea

Sun. 14th 10:15am Children’s Mass, with Children's Choir + morn. tea.

Wed. 17th 8::00am Meditation Group (online)

  11:00am Scripture study (online)

Sun. 21st 7:00pm  Parish Pizza Night following the 6pm Mass

Wed. 24th 8:00am Mediation Group (online)

  10:00am Parish Book Group

Sun. 28th 10:15am Children’s Mass, with Children's Choir + morn. tea.

Tues. 30th 7:00pm First session of this year’s Alpha programme