Parish Book Club

Content Editor

General Idea: A social gathering to explore themes of our Christian faith through literature.

Meeting time: Fourth Wednesday of Month, 10:00- 11.30am, February to November.Book club
Meeting Place: The Library in the Shirley Wallace Parish Centre above Holy Family Church

Want to take part? If you’d like to be added to the email list to receive updates about gatherings please contact either Catherine Willis ( or Elizabeth Reedy (

Here are the  books for the first half of 2025….

·      26th February     The Garden of Evening Mists by Tan Twan Eng

·      26th March          The Perfect Heresy by Stephen O’Shea

·      23rd April             Reading Genesis by Marilyn Robinson

·      28th May             The Offing by Benjamin Myers

·      25th June             The Sacred Journey: The Ancient Practices by Charles Foster