Anointing of the Sick

Upon request, the Sacrament of the Sick is administered willingly to any baptised Catholic who is ill, or undergoing surgery, or about to die.

This ministry of the Church brings the healing grace of Christ to those who ask for this in faith.

The Anointing of the Sick is administered in the Parish at the Senior's Mass every third Saturday of the month at 9.15pm.

The Anointing of the Sick is administered monthly to those residents in aged care facilites in the Parish.

The Last Rites

This refers to a ministry of the Church offered to those who are dying and about to make their journey home to God. It is a ministry of a priest and is requested by either the person themselves or their family. It offers the comfort of prayer, the renewal of faith to face the journey, Reconciliation (the confession and absolution of sin), Anointing with oil for healing of the soul and the reception of Holy Communion. It should be requested where possible when the person is conscious, however the grace of God in this sacrament is still comforting, reconciling and healing even when unconscious.

The staff at Wyong hospital and the staff of our Aged Care Facilities will contact a priest upon the request of the family for any emergency. This stipulation can also be written into any admission forms into both hospital and Aged Care.