Liturgical Ministries
Serving at Mass
Our senior servers prepare for the celebration of a Weekend Mass and serve the liturgy. Junior servers assist during the celebration of Sunday Mass. Children are invited to become Altar Servers after their First Holy Communion.
The Proclamation of the Word is a key feature of the Mass. Our readers are rostered over a month to be of service at each of our weekend Masses.
The Universal Prayer
At each Weekend Mass, the Liturgy of the Word concludes with prayer for the needs of the church and the world. A team of people is rostered over a couple of months to compose these prayers of intercession for the community.
Children’s Liturgy
A roster of volunteer parents and others run the programme for children attending the Sunday 9.15a.m. Mass during term time. These short sessions help the children of the parish learn about the Mass readings in an easily understood way. It uses aspects of the ‘Lectio Devina’ approach to assist children of the parish to reflect on the Word of God. The weekly Gospel is translated into meaning for daily life and encourages the development of each child’s individual faith and spirituality. The Word of God is alive and active in the children of our Parish during our weekly Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Children’s Liturgy is held in the Parish Sunroom every Sunday during school terms during 9.15am Mass, with children from pre-school to school age welcome to attend. A dedicated group of volunteers assist with Children’s Liturgy, with a commitment of one Sunday each school term. Training and all materials are provided. Please contact Sally Oong ( for more information on becoming a Sunday Children’s Liturgy volunteer at Holy Name Parish, Wahroonga

Family School Masses
On the second Sunday of the month during school periods we celebrate a special Family Mass at 9.15am hosted by one of the years at school. There are many ways to participate in this liturgical celebration!
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The primary role of the Extraordinary Ministers is to assist with the distribution of communion when there are large numbers at Mass - especially at Christmas, Easter, and other large celebrations.
At the Presentation of the Gifts and after Communion during each weekend Mass, the parish collections are taken up. This rostered team of people assists in this service. Another team of people counts the collection at another time.
Co-ordinator of Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Collectors
Chris Goldrick
0450 963 596
Co-ordinator of Prayers of Intercessions
Jane O’Donnell