Become a Registered Member of our Parish!
You will find a registration form for you and your family at the back of this Guide. By registering with the parish office, you will enjoy the sense of belonging to our parish and we will be able to keep in touch with you. You also have the opportunity to assist us financially by a regular contribution.
Consider participating in one of our many ministries and activities
Three Simple Reasons
- Firstly, we need you! Your “talent, time and treasure” are means by which our community grows!
- Secondly, participating in a ministry is a wonderful way of getting to know other members of the community and also a way of building up the parish.
- Thirdly, whatever you choose to become involved in, you will receive more than you give. It will be rewarding and a meaningful experience!
Will there be support for what I do?
Yes, we know that it is very important that you feel supported and confident to take on a role particularly if you have not undertaken it before.
How do I know when I will be required?
With a sufficient number of volunteers we draw up rosters. This way you know in advance when you will be required. If you are rostered for a particular date and need to change, you can do so by contacting the Coordinator of the ministry or by contacting another person on the roster. The more volunteers we have, the more the ministry and its time commitment can be shared.
How do I become involved?
Consider all the various options listed in these pages.
Decide which involvement best suits your interests, skills, talents and availability.
Talk over the possibilities with various members of the Parish Pastoral Council, particularly those with the pastoral focus area in which you are interested in becoming involved.
Consider contacting the parish office with your details so that we can pass on your details to the relevant Coordinator or you can contact the Ministry Coordinator directly.