What is the Sacramental Program?

What is the Sacramental Program
What is it? and Who is Responsible?

This Program is facilitated by the Parish but a responsibility of the Parents.

Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their child. Faith education by parents begins in the child’s earliest years, such as showing them how to pray and reading easy bible stories about Jesus.

The Parish Based, Family Centred Sacramental Process
† Creates particular opportunities for parents to continue sharing the faith with their child. Faith, example, motivation and devotion are primary gifts which are nurtured in this Sacramental Program.
† Provides opportunities for parents and children to come together to inquire and reflect upon the faith into which their children are being initiated.
† The Confirmation, Reconciliation and Eucharist are 4- preparation sessions program.  A sacramental resources (booklet) will be provided  which the content are designed using simple language and ideas for this age- group for children of Year 3 and 4.

Parents of children who have been baptised and have reached the age of discretion (Year 3) are invited to present their child as a candidate for Confirmation and First Eucharist.

The Sacramental Team co-ordinate and assist parents as they prepare their children for the reception of the sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation and Eucharist.

The Catholic Parish of Toukley- Lake Munmorah, follows the Sacramental Program that is approved by the Bishop of the Diocese of Broken Bay.

The Sacramental Process includes -
º Parents’ Information Evenings.
º Preparation classes to explore each sacrament.
º Attendance at Sunday Masses .
º Children’s workbooks to be completed.

Further ways to connect with our parish community :
º Celebrating Children’s Liturgy of the Word held during school terms every 1st and 3rd Sunday Masses at St. Mary's Church.
º Celebrating Family Masses held on the weekends.
º Ensuring that your child attends Catholic Scripture, if they are not attending a Catholic school.

How to enrol my child?

Each child need to be enrolled in the program via an online booking system.  Please see each of the Sacramental Program on its process.

If you would like to know more please contact our Parish Office landline# 43964455 or send us email toukleyparish@bbcathoic.org.au