Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina  is held in the Manly in the Parish Centre. All Welcome
Tuesday Evenings 7.30pm  
Wednesday mornings 10am  
I am the Way, the Truth & the Life John 14:6

A reading and reflection on the Scriptures which leads to prayer and transformation of life.

Reading - getting to know the text (senses)
  • Take in all the elements of the text.
  • Be aware of the context, related texts, quotes.
  • Who are the key characters; what are the keywords.
  • Don't choose any one thing to work with at this stage.
  • You are gathering food for thought.
Meditation - engaging with the text, making it my own (reason)

What does the text tell me?

  • about the God who speaks?
  • about responding to that God?
  • about my faith life?
  • about what I need to do to transform my faith life?
Prayer - let prayer emerge from your working with the text (will)
  • Our prayer is rooted in our reading/meditation.
  • Meditation humbles us, so we turn humbly to God.
  • We seek the grace we need to do what we must.
  • We acknowledge that alone we can do nothing.
  • All that we can do in prayer, is done here.
Action - throughout the day
  • Now choose a word, phrase, sentence.
  • Bring it to mind frequently during the day
  • Let it recapture the experience of your lectio.
  • Use it especially in situations relating to your lectio.
  • "Daily and hourly till the soil of the heart with the Gospel plough".

adapted from Faith formation for life and leadership

Details of when Lectio Divina runs at our Parish