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Ministry is the cornerstone of parish community life.

The leadership of the parish is vested in the ordained ministry of the Parish Priest and Assistant Priests, who have dedicated their lives to the service of the community. All members of our Parish, by virtue of their baptism, have a share in Christ's priesthood. Each person contributes time, talent and treasure to the tasks of leading and serving the community in its various endeavours. There are many ways that you can serve our parish communities, in our Sunday liturgies, in outreach, in evangelisation and in pastoral care.

We encourage people from 8 to 108 to become actively involved in our Parish by sharing your time and talents. Please consider one of the groups below:

Liturgical Ministries

Senior Server, Junior Server, Proclaimer, Extraordinary Minister of Communion, Warden, Counters, Data Projectionist, Children's Liturgy, Hospitality Team, Choir, Musicians.

Parish & Other Groups

Parish Finance Committee, Parish Pastoral Council, Catechists, Christian Meditation, Gospel Sharing, Legion of Mary, Over 50s (Seniors Ministry), LETS, Laudato Si Action Platform Group, Willoughby Prayer Group and Bell Ringers at St Leonard's.

Get involved now!  Click Here to Enquire

Hear what our parishioners have to say.....

Bobby Jennings, Music Ministry

What made you first want to join the Music Ministry?
I was involved in music in my youth and thought it would be fun to get involved again.

How has being in the choir impacted your life?

Since joining the choir I've been really enjoyed coming together with the other choir members and singing. It really makes a positive impact on my week to sing and listen to the music we make. 

What advice would you give to others who are thinking about joining the music ministry?

If you're at all interested, especially if you have a musical background or just love to sing, don't wait like I did. Join up now!! It really is a great time and is healthy for the mind, body, and most importantly the spirit. 

David Nesbitt, Proclaimer

What made you want to become a Proclaimer? 
When I was quite young I was encouraged by my father, who was a Proclaimer, to read at Mass regularly in my childhood parish, with a large congregation. The intention was to get experience speaking in front of a large group of people. I accepted the challenge. As I gained confidence it allowed me to focus more on the reading and communicative aspects of Proclaiming. When I became a parishioner at SPN this made it an easy choice when considering how I might participate more meaningfully for me.

 What is the best part of being a Proclaimer? 
There are several positive aspects to being a Proclaimer; having an active role to play in the Mass makes you feel much more a part of the Mass, and there’s the satisfaction from making a commitment and living up to it. But the best part is that it’s an opportunity to bring an Old Testament reading or words from an Apostle to life – to try and deliver their message the way they intended. It’s the chance to bring insight and animation to the Word and perhaps communicate a meaning that parishioners might not have otherwise read/understood for themselves.

 How has it impacted your life? 
I enjoy learning and often historical context is important to gaining insight into writer’s messages. The confidence I’ve gained simply from the routine of standing in front of a congregation has extended to the workplace: giving me the confidence to speak in front of a large number of employees on a regular basis or give presentations. I now focus more on the content and messaging rather than focussing on nerves. Of course it’s also nice to feel more involved in the SPN community and the congregation at Mass.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking about becoming a Proclaimer? 
The Parish provides resources to help understand how things should be read. A few re-reads, a few minutes practising is all it takes to prepare – so don’t be daunted – give it a go. There is a great deal of satisfaction in Proclaiming the Word well and others appreciate you for it.

Leanne McManus, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Senior Server

What Church ministries are you involved in? 
I am currently a Senior Server and an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.

What made you initially want to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion?
My parents always took an active part in the community of the country town where I grew up. I guess this made me understand how much work goes into creating a community. 

I actually had no preference for how to serve, I simply asked the Parish office what was needed.  At the time, about 5 years ago they said the greatest need was for Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.  Then just recently I moved to Alter Service to fill an increasing gap.  As soon as Harry has completed his Holy Communion he is going start training as a Junior Server.

How has being involved in church ministries impacted your life? 
From a time perspective nothing at all, since we started at SPN I try to attend Church once or twice a month, so being rostered on to Holy Communion once a month and doing Alter Service whenever needed, has had now impact.

However, just like volunteering for school, sport or any other community event, it has made me feel much more a part of the Parish community.  Taking that one hour during a busy week to sit quietly with others and reflect on the bigger picture or even just quiet your mind is so valuable and being able to combine that with helping out is so rewarding.

Any advice for anyone else thinking about becoming and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion or a Senior Server? 
All I can say is I feel I get way more out of it than I expected and as one of the other Alter servers said to me recently, “Remember, this is our Church, the Priests come and go,  we the community remain”.

Michelle Edmunds, Morning Tea Server.

What made you first want to volunteer for morning tea duties after Mass?
I wanted to give back to the church community and the church who are guiding and looking after my children in their formative years. At home we speak about the importance of service, helping others, helping those less fortunate and positively contributing to society. I felt it important that I set an example of these values for my children. Also when I am at morning tea, the kids are busy catching up with friends and eating! Finally, I felt it was an ideal area for me to get involved in as I love a coffee and a chat myself. J

How has volunteering in this role impacted you?
I have met some wonderful women who also help out at morning tea; from the CEO of a company to stay at home mums, we have the commonality of being part of the church community past and present. I have also met many more parishioners, the choir, musicians and altar service volunteers as a result which makes you feel more a part of the community. Everyone is so appreciative of the morning tea service we provide which is really nice, though I have to say, it’s a really easy and fun job to do!

Do you have any advice for anyone thinking about volunteering?
The Parish are very welcoming to everyone and anyone who wants to get involved. Whether you enjoy singing, love speaking in public or are social like me, there are plenty of areas you can get involved in and make a meaningful contribution. They are very open to discussing what works for you in terms of your availability. So whether you want to help out each week, fortnightly or monthly the Parish are able to roster you on accordingly.

Marko Komadina, Music Ministry.

What made you first want to become involved in the music ministry?
I have played the organ and piano since I was a child. When I was a teenager I began playing at Mass in my former parish encouraged by my grandparents and parents. Now as an adult, I wanted to show my own kids that sharing your talents by volunteering your time and expertise is better than keeping it to yourself. Jesus tells us that we shouldn’t put our light under a bushel but rather that we should let our light shine so shine, that people may see our good works, glorifying our Father in heaven.

How has playing music at Mass impacted your life?
I find that having a job to do at Mass gives extra meaning to coming along. It makes sure that I am there and that I am paying attention and in turn I get more out of being there. It’s also great to know that I have contributed to the solemnity of the Mass by adding prayerful music. People often tell me that they are moved in some way by the music I play and that the choir sings. It’s such an integral part of the Mass.

What advice would you give to others thinking about joining the music ministry?
So many people have music in their backgrounds. Perhaps they learned an instrument as a child but don’t get the opportunity to play as an adult. This is the perfect way to play music again and glorify God at the same time! Even if you can’t play an instrument, we always need more singers in our choirs. There are people with no experience to lots of experience and it ends up being a great mix of voices that always brings liveliness to every Mass. My advice is to just do it!