You are here:HomeArcadiaMass and Prayer Times Everyone Welcome into God's dwelling place! CURRENT PARISH PRIEST: FR SHANSANA SAMARASINGHE Ph: 0437 884 233 MASS TIMES St Benedict’s Parish MASS: Saturday Vigil 7:00pm Sunday 9:00am Sunday 10:30am Children's Mass the first Sunday of the month 10.30am. Weekdays Mondays to Thursdays 9:30am, Fridays 7:00pm followed by Confession Monastery chapel Mass daily – 7am Mass - First Friday of each Month 6.30pm Adoration. Mass 7pm. Reconciliation Every Friday after 7pm Mass. Saturdays 9am to 10am Adoration & Confession/Reconciliation. For other times please call Father Shansana on 0437 884 233