Diocesan News

amoris laeitia family web

Year of “Amoris Laetitia Family” begins

24 Mar 2021

Commencing on 19 March 2021, a date which marks the five-year anniversary since Amoris Laetitia, the year will conclude ...

Br John Verhoeven web

Pray not to be put to the test

23 Mar 2021

I am a Patrician Brother, working in Wyong Hospital with CatholicCare as a Pastoral Care Practitioner.

St Joseph's Statue Blessing-web

Statue of St Joseph Completed and Blessed on Solemnity

22 Mar 2021

On the evening of Friday 19 March 2021, Bishop Anthony Randazzo celebrated Mass for the Solemnity of St Joseph at Our La ...

500th Anniversary Christianity web

Joyful celebration of 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines

19 Mar 2021

Exactly 500 years to the day, Most Rev Anthony Randazzo, along with the Apostolic Nuncio, led the community of the Chur ...

CC videos web

New videos to help separating families

17 Mar 2021

The breakdown of a family is a sad and stressful situation. CatholicCare recently produced a series of videos specifical ...

bishop and nuncio

Celebration of 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines

16 Mar 2021

Most Rev Anthony Randazzo, along with the Apostolic Nuncio, will lead the community of the Church in a celebration of th ...